
新书速递 | 《中国宗教研究集刊》第 49 卷 2021 年第2期出刊

作者: 李世光 | 来源:基督时报 | 2021年12月06日 08:48 |
图源:Johns Hopkins University Press官网 图源:Johns Hopkins University Press官网

据“云端宗教学术”微信公众号消息,《中国宗教研究集刊》第 49 卷,2021 年 第 2 期现已出刊发行。


《中国宗教研究集刊》(JCR)是中国宗教领域历史最悠久的期刊,是一份同行评审的每年2期的学术期刊,发表有关中国宗教各个方面的研究、书评和其他交流的文章。《中国宗教研究集刊》与中国宗教研究学会 (SSCR) 合作出版。本期为第 49 卷2021 年 第 2 期 。


The Concept of the Soul During the Chinese Rites Controversy: The Example of Xia Dachang
Xueying Wang
pp. 169-190

Monk Changyuan 昌圓 (1879–1945), Nuns in Chengdu, and Revaluation of Local Heritage: Voicing Local (In)Visible Narratives of Modern Sichuan Buddhism
Stefania Travagnin
pp. 191-239

The Expansion of the Andong Division of Yiguan Dao in Austria
Yeh-Ying Shen
pp. 241-264

In the Shadow of the Spirit Image: The Production, Consecration, and Enshrinement of a Daoist Statue in Northern Taiwan
Aaron K. Reich
pp. 265-324

Differentiating the Pearl from the Fish-Eye: Ouyang Jingwu and the Revival of Scholastic Buddhism by Eyal Aviv (review)
Alex Grabiner
pp. 325-327

John Song: Modern Chinese Christianity and the Making of a New Man by Daryl R. Ireland (review)
T. H. Barrett
pp. 328-329

The Fifty Years That Changed Chinese Religion, 1898–1948 by Paul R. Katz and Vincent Goossaert (review)
Jessica Zu
pp. 330-333

A Library of Clouds: The Scripture of the Immaculate Numen and the Rewriting of Daoist Texts by J. E. E. Pettit and Chao-Jan Chang (review)
Lucas A. Wolf
pp. 333-335

Stating the Sacred: Religion, China, and the Formation of the Nation-State by Michael J. Walsh (review)
Zhe Ji
pp. 336-338




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